Master K DJ Ken

Master K  DJ Ken
Awesome DJ Ken that I admire...

Saturday, June 18, 2011


There are times in our lives, that we are unsure about what we want. Of course, we want to drive a BMW, stay in a banglo with 6 servants, a handsome gardener and also holidays to all over the world.

Life can be very beautiful when we have fulfilled what we wanted, especially things that money can buy. We see our FB buddies showing us their latest gadgets, new phones, new car, holidays, new house, wedding pictures, newborn babies, which is like a non-stop thingy appearing on our FB Wall... it's great to see that everyone is doing so well, and having good life.

Having a new handphone, we can't live without a phone! hahahaa. that has became a necessity! Buying a new house, that's everyone's dream! Change to a new car, wow, that's wonderful. Going on a holiday to pamper ourselves, is also amazing :)

However, no doubt we always want to fulfill our needs, as and when we earn, we will have plans to spend them. This is why in Malay, we call it 'cari makan' :)

Some of us (inclusive of myself), these things are just part of life. I somehow think, as long as my family is safe and sound, I am very thankful . When I see there are food in the kitchen I will be happy, when I see my friends getting married and having newborns, I feel very excited for them. Going through the journey of life, it's very individual. We choose how we want to live.

I've been observing a lot of poorer families around my neighborhood, seeing how happy their faces are when their children are running around at the playground naked (almost naked hahaha), the blind people are adjusting to their lifestyle with only a 'stick' to guide them walking pass the roads the drains the steps... handicapped people are doing small business in the wheel chair, some old folks are sitting at the bench by the side of the playground to kill their time. Hmmm... and these people, I know it's hard to help all of them. They are blessed with only necessities, I'm sure there is no luxury but they smile more than those who has a big house, or a big car.

I always wanted to buy a good camera, I want to take their pictures. I am not trying to earn money or tell people how much charity I've done. I am not trying to get a full collection of poor people's faces! I want to give their pictures back to them. I am sure that they want a picture of themselves. Most of us will have more than 3,000 pictures in FB hahaha (which is very true) and these people have none, or maybe one or two. They just need one or two, as memory :)

I want to snap their pictures and give it back to them. For children, they can have their pictures as memories, as they grow, they see a picture of themselves when they were younger. For old people, their next generation can keep these pictures as memories when time comes. For poorer family, isn't it great to have their family portrait framed in the living room?

I've been doing this for quite some time, but still longing to do more. I know it will not be easy but it's also not difficult. It's just the matter of time for me to snap more of their pictures and give them as a gift... I already see some smiling faces when they received the pictures from me, they said Thank You and of course, they are my friends now :)

Spreading love looks easy, but helping others, someone that never expected anything from you, it's a both sides blessings. Other than cutting old folks finger/toenails when I have a chance, taking pictures of those who can't afford one, that's totally a wonderful thing to do.


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