Master K DJ Ken

Master K  DJ Ken
Awesome DJ Ken that I admire...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I always believe in doing good and good things will come.

In Chinese saying, 3 bad things happened, 6 good things are on the way.

Also, if we can be patient, bad times will go and we will enjoy good times.

Kinda cool that if we have positive thinking and lead to a happy life.

I read a small little karma book, and it's interesting. Let me share a little from the book:-

"When you perform virtuous deeds, you will receive good blessings;
When you commit evil acts, you will receive bad endings"

"Good seeds bear good fruits;
Bad seeds bear bad fruits;
This is the Law of Karmic Retribution"

Wow, I think these simple phrases make sense, and more interesting points coming as below:-

IF in this life, one does evil deeds and easily gets angry; if one often gets jealous or likes to scold people, in the next life, the karmic retribution will be rebirth with an ugly and crooked mouth (so let's stop being angry, smile always)

IF in this life one likes to fight, enjoys killing animals and destroying their homes, and is happy when someone he/she dislikes has passed away, in one's next life, the life-span will be short.

WHEN everyone knows of his evil deeds, or his notoriety is already well-known, we can prevent others and our friends from his evil doings by taking him as an example. By doing so, we are generating good blessings.

WHEN I am happy and contented, and everything good comes my way, I start to think: I am now very fortunate. This must be the karmic results of my good deeds in my past life. However, in this life, I shall continue to do charitable deeds... when one is happy and contented, it is the best time to do more good deeds and accumulate merits.

THERE was a farmer who used to piece of string to pull out a cow's tongue. Later in his life, he had 2 sons - all were mute. This is Karmic Retribution for being cruel to animals.

IN the past life, if we criticised and incriminated others, in this life we shall be born deaf, mute and dumb.

IN this life, one eats excessively and wastes food, in the next life one will suffer from hunger pants and throat problems - that's why I always finish my food, why waste...

IF in the past life or in this present life one has lived virtuously, committing no evil, one's coming generation will be blessed with virtuous children. Even if the parents of such children are uneducated, the children will be endowed with intelligence and graduate with flying colours.

WE have got to understand the needs to protect our body, not to hurt others nor speak harshly. When hatred arises in us, it will increase afflictions which will lead to bodily and mental unease.

THE reason why one is easily frightened in this life is because in one's past life, he/she had always used scary objects to threaten people.

IF in this life one steals and robs without shame, and has never practised sharing and's next life will suffer from poverty.

DO NOT simply pour hot water onto the ground. This is because many small insects (cause) live in the ground. This reckless action will harm their lives and moreover it will result in our having a short life (results).

IF in this life one indiscriminately criticises others, in the next life one will be reborn with disabilities in speech, and ulcers will often grow in the mouth.

A TRULY CHARITABLE person will perform charitable deeds without the thought of getting name or rewards. To expect name and rewards in doing charity is selfish. Such motives, in the name of charity, will only lead to demerits and creating future karmic afflictions.

BY cutting down and burning trees will result in having a short life or be separated from one's family. This is because insects and worms and the homes of birds are destroyed, thus resulted in their being separated from their families - I always reminded my boys not to step on the ants, I told them, "If you step on the ants, what if the ant's daddy mommy find them?" - sounds stupid, but just try to advise them not to kill lives :)

BY giving food to the birds (cause) and hoping for them not to look for worms to eat (effect), will lessen the birds opportunity to kill and indirectly will help us to accumulate merits - Mom and I always give bread to my kids to feed the pigeons, ohh lala.. Pigeons here we come!!!!!

THE chinese characters for prison consist of the characters for 'cow and dog'. Those who prevent the consumption of beef and dog meat will be exempted from being put into jails. In the animals kingdom, cows and dogs contributed and benefited the most to the human race.

THe reason why one is always mistakenly thrown into prison is because one's past life, one often put animals into cages - hahaha, this is a good one, I still remember when I was a kid, some 'kepoh' aunties watching people play mahjung, all being arrested (even those who are just watching) hahaha

IF in this life one indulges in scandalous gossips and lying, in the next life one will be reborn into a broken family and is always quarrelsome with one's spouse.

ALWAYS receiving charity from others is like diminishing one's own blessings. Realising this, an understanding person will always be happy and ready to give, and will not simply receive charity from others.

IF we must accept charity, it is merely to create affinity; after which, we can give away whatever we have received to others.

IN this life we are blessed with food and clothing. This is because of the good deed we have done in the past. To leave some cooked food or vegetable uneaten during each meal is to quickly diminish our good blessings - I had a female ex-colleague, last time when we went out for mixed-rice lunch, she alawys ate only half of the rice. I asked her, "If you can' t finish, you can ask the aunty to give less rice" - she didn't really do so... too bad lo...

GIVING charity is like depositing money into the bank. Receiving charity is like withdrawing money from the savings in the bank. Enjoying blessings is like taking out money from the bank and spending it.

A CHARITABLE FAMILY accumulates good merits; its descendants will definitely become prosperous. A family that does unwholesome deeds accumulates demerits,it's descendants will definately meet the unexpected calamities.

A person is good-looking but is looked-down upon; this is because in the past one had an accommodating heart and practised precepts, but had despised others.

WHY is it that some people are born with hare-lips? (I think we call it cleft lips) IT is because in the past they used hooks to fish, causing much hurt to the fish.

AT the moment I am healthy and seldom fall sick, this must be due to my past or perhaps because of certain compassionate deeds I have done in this life. In this life, I should be more caring and should prevent the killing of animals. When one is happy and contented, it is the best time to do more good deeds and accumulate merits.

IN past lives, we have planted good seeds (Causes), therefore in this life we reap the fruits (Effects) of our good actions: FREEDOM, PEACE & HAPPINESS!

THOSE who believe in "Cause & Effect" will never profit at the expense of others. They know that gaining at the expense of others will result in having to pay a high price later.

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